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6 Non-Cliché Ways To Confess Your Love This Season

last updated at March 25, 2023 | 3 min Read
Love, that warm feeling, butterflies in your tummy, the excitement of seeing that special someone, days turning into nights and nights turned into day as you cannot stop indulging in never-ending conversation and chats. While the most only focus on the part that happens after the love story has started, the initial confessions and hesitations are something that always stays as a part of the most cherished memories. This love season let's explore some unconventional interesting ways of confessing your love.

Slip in a hand-written note

Handwritten Notes

While most are hooked on Facebook, Snapchat, and WhatsApp, the charm of a handwritten note is vintage and special. Texting is fast and convenient and you can expect a response, but a handwritten note sent in a classic envelope or even postcard will make the start of your love story super special. PS - Do not worry about bad handwriting, your love and feelings will cover up for the same.

Cook ‘em something

cooking-together Many say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, well that also holds true for most the women. Plan your loved one a special treat. You can cook them a full meal or even bake a small cupcake. Anything made with love always works! PS - To take this to another level, you can always pack for a typical picnic basket to set the mood right.

A movie date


Movie, motion pictures, cinema, ah! Are often what we all love from truly. The larger than life love stories, the mushy music, the sparkly affairs of the reel life is what we draw the comparison with in real life. Take your loved one for their kind of romantic movie, let the film create the perfect mood and your job is nearly done. PS - Do not forget to be absolutely sure about the reviews and make sure the genre is something your date likes.



Chocolate triggers the brain to release endorphins – hormones that cause your pulse to speed up and give you a pleasant high feeling, rather like being in love. What better way to express your love than chocolates! PS - you have a range to pick from, dark, white, or the good old milk chocolates.

Surprise gifts

Surprises Who doesn’t love surprises, may it be a small token like flowers, a dinner date by the beach, or a customized gift. We all love surprises in any form. You can create a collage of their photos, wrap your song around it and show it to your loved ones over a quaint romantic coffee. PS - Make sure your plan is something that will surprise them and not shock them. Do your homework, read the signs.

Make a confession over your favorite sport

Sports If you really want to break the mundane and do something crazy, get tickets to a game that you both really enjoy or plan a match night at home. Throw back some popcorn and chips and create a warm, yet not cliche mood to start your innings of forever. PS - Ensure the sport you pick is something you both like and avoid long test matches, quick and fast-paced matches will surely do it for the sports lovers in you. This season of love, express your feelings, make a move and start yours forever.



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