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What To Do When A Ring Doesn't Fit?

last updated at March 27, 2023 | 3 min Read
We have all been there. Haven’t we ladies?
We have often come across amazing ring designs with which we fall in love inevitably. We end up buying them. Mostly they fit, sometimes they don’t. How can you let go of something which you bought with so much love?
Here are a few things which you can do when a ring doesn’t fit:
There’s one thing that comes to our mind when a ring doesn’t fit – RESIZING. At Candere, not only will we guide you how to determine the ring while ordering but also ensure we resize the ring for you provided the design of your ring allows us to.
Note: Titanium rings, tungsten rings, stainless steel rings, few eternity rings and rings with an invisible tension setting are tough to be resized.
Besides, we have 2 scenarios to consider – when the ring is small OR when the ring is large.
Here are things to do when the ring is small:
  • Wear it as a pendant: Let’s say your favourite YouTuber has finally made a merchandise of their patent ring. There’s a high chance that you will not get the ring in the desired size if not at all. Who do you do if the ring is too tight for your middle finger but too loose for your index or ring finger? Get a chain from the local jewellery shop and wear the ring as a pendant. Cool? if your ring doesnt fit wear it as a pendant Image Credits: Gallery Chitrak
  • Try a different finger: Did the ring not fit smoothly on your middle finger as you wanted it to? Try wearing it on your index finger, ring finger or thumb! wear your ring on a different finger when your ring doesn't fit Image Credits: OurKidsMom
  • Try the other hand: You may or may not know this but if you’re someone who does household chores, your fingers tend to become chubbier. In such a scenario, try wearing the ring on your other hand! wear your ring on the other hand if your ring doesn't fit Image credits: Alterations Needed[/caption]
That was the easy peasy lemon squeeze part. The following section of ‘What to do when a ring doesn’t fit’ involves some DIY work. Here are the things to do when a ring is large:
  • Take it to a jeweller: We understand that you may not always be up for some DIY project. Worry not, if your ring doesn’t fit, take it to your jeweller and they’ll let you know how they are going to make the ring fit on your finger.
  • Stack it up: Stack your favourite ring with a ring on your size. This will ensure that the ring doesn't slip off from your finger. Make sure the size difference is not more than 2 units in this case.
  • Hot glue gun: What’s a DIY without a hot glue gun? If your ring doesn’t fit, line the inner side of your ring carefully with your hot glue gun and voila! You have shrunk it without any collateral damage. You can also remove the glue once you are done!
  • Plastic Guard: If you’re not up for too much experimenting, slip on the pocket-friendly plastic guards to shrink your ring size when you’re on the go!
  • Beads: If your ring doesn’t fit, there are tiny beads which a jeweller fits on the inside of the ring. This cuts the ring size by almost one half, thus making it fit your finger.
  • Spring: Jewellers often use a spring mechanism that runs along most of the rings inner diameter. The flexible spring adjusts the ring according to your knuckle or otherwise.
Those were the bunch of things to do when your ring doesn’t fit. Make note that it can be resized up to 2 ring sizes when a ring doesn’t fit. However, if the ring is more than 2 size big or small, you can try the hacks mentioned above and let us know if it fits or not!



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