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10 Interesting Facts About Sapphire

last updated at March 25, 2023 | 3 min Read
According to the Christian calendar, a gemstone is assigned to every month. Blue Sapphire belongs to September. Some common Indian names of Blue Sapphire are Neelam, Nelashma, Indraneel, Neelratna, Neelmani, Shaniratra (cause it is the stone of Shani) and Shanipriya. There are many articles on the web which tell you about Blue Sapphires, their family, their origin and many such facts. So we decided to go slightly off stream and share some interesting facts about Blue Sapphires.

10 Interesting TYPES OF Sapphire:

Types of Sapphire

types of sapphires

Padparadscha Sapphires

This is the rarest kind in this category of gemstones. They are found in pink-orange colour and are rarely treated. Its colour makes it often gets compared to lotus. You may not know about it because it's preserved by the experts.

Star Sapphires

This category of gemstone showcases an asterism (a pattern or a group of stars which is smaller than a constellation). The biggest sapphire known to us is Star Sapphire.

Color Changing

These change colour when seen under different light sources. It happens when impurities such as Vanadium and Chromium are present and different wavelength is absorbed by the stones. As you can understand, these categories of Sapphires are also very rare.

Parti Sapphires

These gemstones usually have 2 or more colours. They are very rare. They are mostly found in Australia and are usually very dark.


Blue Sapphire is said to be the stone of Shani or Shani dev. It is believed that wearing of these can save you from the wrath of Shani.

Second hardest element

These are the second hardest element on Earth after Diamonds. However, rough handling while working with them might make them get chipped and fractured.

Heat Treated Sapphire

Sapphires are usually heated to make the colour intense and increase clarity. However, naturally occurring Sapphires with intense colours are highly expensive. In order to get a customised colour, sapphires are made to go through diffusion treatment. In this treatment, the gemstone is heated in a beryllium metal overlay.

Sapphire Price

Sapphires are priced differently based on different factors. For instance, naturally occurring intense colored ones are highly expensive while gemstones which have gone through diffusion treatment are quite cheap.

Similar Stones

Blue sapphires are often confused with Iolite, Blue Tourmaline and Blue Zircon. Blue Sapphires are mined in different parts of the world. For example, the blue Sapphires mined in Burma and Kashmir is most pure and tend to have a velvety touch. The Sapphires found in Sri Lanka are pastel blue in colour, the ones from Australia are dark blue so on and so forth. There is no point in getting a Blue Sapphire stone. It’s better to get a Blue Sapphire Indian jewellery for yourself. Before you head over to Candere to get one of these for yourself, you might want to get a look at our top  Sapphire Studded Jewellery.

Magnificent Sapphire Rings:Sappphire RIngs


Annie Blue Earring

Sapphire Earrings

Alva Pendant

Alva Pendant


Divena Blue Band

Divena Blue Band *Note: The gold used in the above-mentioned rings can be made using 14K or 18K gold. **Note: The diamond used in the above-mentioned rings can be changed to fit your desired quality or budget. That’s all from us. We would love to read your view on Blue Sapphire or our products on this gemstone in the comments below. Featured Image Source: Champagne Gem



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