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Solitaire, Diamond

How Does A Diamond Get Its Color?

last updated at July 8, 2022 | 2 min Read

Diamonds have always been and will be a point of discussion. There are 4C’s to a diamond - Cut, Color, Clarity and Carat. It’s important to know these 4C’s before purchasing a diamond, whether it’s for a nose pin or a ring!

Here, we’ll be talking only about the color of a diamond!

The classic round solitaire in its colorless sparkling color is the most famous of all diamonds. But there are many different shades of diamonds around the world that we’d love to take you through. Also, we will also be talking about why a diamond attains its particular color.

  • The Red-colored diamonds are a result of changes caused to the electron structure. It’s the rarest and most expensive shade.

  • Nitrogen is responsible for altering the shade of a diamond to Orange color.

  • Yellow diamonds are the most commonly colored diamonds and are formed due to the inclusion of Nitrogen.

  • The Green colored diamonds owe their shade to either radiation from nearby rocks or when they have traces of Nickel in them.

  • The presence of Boron adds that Blue shade to your diamond; although Nickel or high concentrations of Hydrogen can also be the cause of coloration of diamonds.

  • Purple diamonds are another rare phenomenon that occurs because of the post-growth plastic deformation of the diamond while travelling from earth’s mantle to surface through magma.

  • However, while travelling from mantle to the earth’s surface, if there are any changes in electron structure, pink-colored diamonds are formed.

  • Grey diamonds are formed when there’s a trace of Boron in the carbon structure.

  • Interestingly, no elements are responsible for black-colored diamonds. Small inclusions of graphite and iron clusters lead to the iron hue.

Now that you’ve read about some pretty diamond colors, which one do you see yourself sporting in the future?



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