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A Glimpse into Candere’s First Experience Centre

last updated at March 31, 2023 | 4 min Read

Did you miss the grand launch of our first Experience Centre? Don’t worry, because we’re here to run you through this eventful day. So far, we have delighted you, our valued customers, online. Now we're here to provide you with a brand new experience and here’s how it looked like! So, come aboard to witness a never-before-seen affair!

We are because of our customers and there would be no greater honour than to have our Candere Blue ribbon cut by our real VIPs, our beloved customers.

There were fun experiences planned by our team to engage with our audience on an individual level. From a wheel of fortune that rewarded the guests with exciting discounts, to a lucky draw contest for them to get a chance to win a diamond pendant, the fun was endless. 

This big move is not a mere store; it’s a completely new experience. We’re not here to simply sell jewellery to our customers. We’re here to provide the best possible jewellery experience. Displaying an array of our bestselling collections, there’s plenty for you to choose from. Our attendants are your absolute BFFs who provide you with the best guidance to purchase personalized jewellery that resonates with your unique taste. Let’s not forget their expert knowledge on providing you with the most accurate diamond and metal education. So even when you choose to simply browse through our collections, you’ll walk out a wiser purchaser!

“As the world moves towards digital, physical presence is still a key part in providing a seamless customer experience,” says Candere Founder and CEO, Rupesh Jain.

Now that you’re up to speed with everything, go on! Visit our Experience Centre now!


Azra Mukadam

Reader, writer, self proclaimed geek. You will most probably find me engrossed in absorbing good content or busy creating it.

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