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What is the birthstone of this month?

last updated at July 8, 2022 | 5 min Read

Have you ever heard of birthstone?

Birthstones are gemstones that are assigned to each month.

Some months are assigned multiple birthstones while some have a single birthstone.

Let’s find out what is the birthstone of this month - 

Birthstone Of January: Garnet

Birthstone Of February: Amethyst

Birthstone Of March: Aquamarine

Birthstone Of April: Diamond

Birthstone Of May: Emerald

Birthstone Of June: Pearl

Birthstone Of July: Ruby

Birthstone Of August: Peridot

Birthstone Of September: Sapphire

Birthstone Of October: Tourmaline

Birthstone Of November: Citrine

Birthstone Of December: Tanzanite

Birthstone Of January: Garnet

The birthstone of January is Garnet, a gemstone that dates back to the ancient Egyptians. This is one gemstone that is available in a rainbow of colours. This name garnet is derived from the word pomegranate. Bohemian garnets were said to be popular in the Victorian era.

This gemstone is said to be the symbol of friendship, peace and health. Apart from that, garnet has been used by healers to fix different ailments related to blood as the deep red colour symbolises blood. It was used to cure circulation as well as heart diseases, as well as skin issues and depression.

Birthstone Of February: Amethyst

The February borns are governed by Amethyst. The name Amethyst is derived from the Greek word amethystos which means not drunk. Yes, you’ve guessed it right - this gemstone was used to ward off drunkenness in the old times. It’s the official gemstone of the province of Ontario.

The purple colour was considered as the colour of royalty, thus Amethyst was limited to the royals. Leonardo da Vinci believed that this gemstone has the magical power to control evil thoughts and quicken the intelligence.

Birthstone Of March: Aquamarine

The Birthstone of April is the relaxing Aquamarine. It derives its name from two Latin words aqua and marina that mean water and of the sea. The presence of iron in the gemstone gives it the signature light blue colour. It is also considered to be the ideal gift for the 19th anniversary.

This gemstone is said to give protection against enemies, especially in battles as well as make the wearer unconquerable and amiable.

Birthstone Of April: Diamond

Undoubtedly, one of the most envious birthstones is the April birthstone - Diamond! It derives its name from the Greek word ‘adamas’ which means indomitable and invincible. Greeks believed that diamonds were the tears of the gods, while according to Romans, they were shards from the star.

Diamond is the most common gemstone used in engagement rings. Diamonds are formed at the core of the earth and are brought to the surface by volcanic eruptions. Many stars are said to have diamond cores and the biggest known core weighs 10 billion trillion carats.

Birthstone Of May: Emerald

May borns are ruled by Emerald, the soothing green precious gemstone. It’s one of the four precious gemstones and is considered the most brittle out of all i.e. they tend to break under pressure. Due to this, it’s often very difficult to find a good quality Emerald.

Emeralds are considered the official birthstone for 20th and 55th anniversaries. According to the ancient Romans, Emeralds were said to cure complications associated with birth and fertility while Egyptians believed that wearing Emeralds would cure eye strain and help the wearer see the future.

Birthstone Of June: Pearl

Oh, the mighty Pearl! The White Pearl has been the apple of our eyes for ages. But did you know that Pearl is the birthstone for June borns? They’re the only gemstones that are sourced from living creatures. 99% of pearls found in the market are cultured pearls, thereby making natural pearls very rare and expensive.

The oldest pearl ever found dates back to 7500 while the world’s most famous pearl is La Peregrina. Even though we are privy to the round pearl, they are found in a variety of different shapes.

Birthstone Of July: Ruby

The intense red Ruby is the birthstone for July borns. The name Ruby comes from the Latin word rubens, which means red. It is one of the few precious stones. Even though the red version of Ruby is famous, it’s found over a range of hues in nature. Rubies are considered as a gift for the 15th or 40th anniversary.

Interestingly, all Rubies are said to be flawed. In fact, if there are no inclusions in Ruby, it’s said to be fake.

Birthstone Of August: Peridot

Peridot has been the official August birthstone since 1912. Known for its typical green shade, it’s also available in a range of shades from lime to olive, depending on the percentage of iron present in the gemstone.

Peridot has been found in numerous meteorites, thus making it one of the few gemstones to be found outside the Earth. As it is one of the oldest known gemstones, it was used by people in the medieval era to ward off anxiety, cure asthma, etc. In the old times, Peridot was often mistaken to be Emerald.

Birthstone Of September: Sapphire

Besides being one of the precious gemstones, Sapphires are also the birthstone of September borns. They are available in blue, pink and yellow; blue is the most popular variety. They get their name from the Greek word sappheiros.

Until the 17th century, Sapphire was reserved exclusively for royalty. Padparadscha is the rarest type of sapphire with a pinkish-orange hue. Sapphires are said to cure eye diseases and preserve celibacy while Neelam (Blue Sapphire) symbolizes nobility and faithfulness. They are also said to have many other benefits like spiritual enlightenment, promote inner peace, cure depression, etc.

Birthstone Of October: Tourmaline

One gemstone in two shades - Presenting the October birthstone … Tourmaline. However, this October birthstone is known to be available in all shades. Owing to its transparent nature, Tourmaline allows the light to pass through, thus making it stunning to look at.

The holistic property of Tourmaline has made it a go-to stone for healers for boosting creativity and strengthening the body and spirit. The Paraiba Tourmaline is said to be one of the most desired gemstones because of its unique blue-green hue, resulting in an incandescent glow.

Birthstone Of November: Citrine

The rich yellow Citrine is the birthstone of November. It is a variety of quartz and gets its colour from iron impurities. This gemstone sports a very light shade of yellow, thus making it a distinguishing factor between real and fake Citrine stones.

The gemstone derives its name from the Latin word citrina which means yellow. In Ancient China, the Citrine was worn only by the emperor. Wearing Citrine is said to have numerous benefits like boosting your self-esteem, promoting self-confidence and sharpening your mind.

Birthstone Of December: Tanzanite

The December birthstone was discovered in Tanzania in 1967, no guesses how this gemstone got its name. The largest rough Tanzanite mined was in June 2020 - 9.2kg. Even today, Tanzanite is mined only in Tanzania and is said to be 100times rarer than diamond.

The largest known curved Tanzanite was ‘L’heure Bleu’ with a whopping weight of 725 carats. The soothing blue Tanzanite is said to generate calmness and compassion as well as help in the creation of new life.

So tell us, what’s your birthstone?



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